Estudio de la eficacia de misoprostol comparado con oxitocina, en la inducción del parto en la amenorrea prolongada


  • Jorge Mosquera
  • Julio César Mora
  • Hernando Navarro
  • Edgar Cobo
  • César Neíra
  • Jhonny Zúñiga



Efficacy, misoprostol, oxitocyn, induction of labor, RCT


A randomized clinical trial was done, in order to compare the effectiviness and safety of misoprostol. Intravaginal doses of 50 micrograms (mcg) were applied to the patients randomly allocatcd to experimental groups. Control patients recelved conventional doses of oxytocin, administered by continuous intravcnous infusion. The primary output measure was the time interval between the begining of the induction procedure and the expulsion of the fetus (11 - P). Secondary output measures are described in the full paper.

 The 89 patiens studied were distributed as follows: 47 received misoprostol and 42 received oxytocin. Four patients allocated to the misoprostol group were excluded: one received oxytocin plus misoprostol by dccision ofthe attcnding obstetrician and three abandoned the trial for personal decision. The II-P time interval was 15.38 ± 1.53 hours for misoprostol and 18.56 ± 1.95 hours for oxytocin. Neither the differences between the two gr·oups rcgarding thc pdmary outcome meassure, nor thc diffcr·cnces in any of all the secÍÍndary output measures, were statistically significant. Accordingly, thc use ofmisoprostol is rccommcndcd for· induction of labor in cases ofprolonged amenorrhea, considering that it is less expensive, easier to apply and safe.

Author Biographies

Jorge Mosquera

Profesor hora cátedra. Depto. de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle.

Julio César Mora

Profesor hora cátedra. Depto. de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle.

Hernando Navarro

Profesor hora cátedra. Depto. de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle.

Edgar Cobo

Profesor Emérito de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Escuda de Medicina. Universidad del Valle. Jefe del Depto. de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Fundación Clínica Valle del Lili.

César Neíra

Instructor de Ecografía. Depto. de Obstetricia y Ginecología.
Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle.

Jhonny Zúñiga

Ginecobstetra. Universidad del Valle.


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How to Cite

Mosquera J, Mora JC, Navarro H, Cobo E, Neíra C, Zúñiga J. Estudio de la eficacia de misoprostol comparado con oxitocina, en la inducción del parto en la amenorrea prolongada. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 1999 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];50(1):7-12. Available from:


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