Comparison of the implementation of the Extreme Maternal Morbidity Surveillance Model in 12 Health Institutions in Colombia, 2013. Mixed study: qualitative and quantitative


  • Jorge Martín Rodríguez-Hernández
  • Katerine Ariza-Ruiz
  • Jeannette Liliana Amaya-Lara
  • María Alexandra Matallana-Gómez
  • María Margarita Ronderos-Torres
  • Rolando Enrique Peñaloza-Quintero



Pregnant women, morbidity, maternal mortality, Colombia


Objective: To compare the level of implementation of the Extreme Maternal Morbidity Surveillance Model (EMMSM). and the main barriers and facilitators to the implementation in two groups of Healthcare Service Providers (HSP) in Colombia.

Materials and methods: Mixed study using quantitative (semi-structured tool) and qualitative (In-depth interview) information techniques. The healthcare service providers in which the pilot model was implemented (pHSP) were compared with another group of healthcare institutions that did not participate in the initial implementation, hereinafter called control HSP (cHSP). They were are all selected jointly with the Ministry of Health (MoH) based on convenience. The level of implementation is presented in terms of proportions for each healthcare institution. The information was crossed-referenced in order to supplement the data of the various components of the EMMSM implementation.

Results: Differences in implementation were found for each IPS group. In the IPSP there was greater dissemination of the protocols, detection, notification, information flows and decision-making.

In the IPSC group there were more difficulties in determining main causes, defining avoidability criteria, and identifying delays. The numbers of 
professional staff, mean monthly hours and profiles were higher among the IPSP when compared with the IPSC. The level of implementation among the
healthcare providers in the IPSP group ranged between 73 % and 94 %, and between 41 % and 90 % in the IPSC group. There was greater clarity
among the IPSP regarding the role of the MVMME as a tool for quality improvement in care provided to pregnant women. Among the IPSC, although the model was considered a means to improve quality, it was perceived as work overload. 

Conclusions: The higher degree of development among the IPSP may be associated with a higher level of support from the MOH and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNPFA), and greater political and institutional support for the implementation.

Author Biographies

Jorge Martín Rodríguez-Hernández

Médico Cirujano; Maestría en Ciencias en Epidemiología; Doctor en Ciencias de la Salud Pública con área de concentración en Epidemiología. Profesor Investigador, Centro de Proyectos para el Desarrollo, Cendex, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).

Katerine Ariza-Ruiz

Antropóloga; Maestría en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá (Colombia).

Jeannette Liliana Amaya-Lara

Estadística; Magíster en Economía. Profesor Investigador, Centro de Proyectos para el Desarrollo, Cendex, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).

María Alexandra Matallana-Gómez

Odontóloga; Especialización en Gestión de Talento Humano y en Administración Hospitalaria; Maestría en Salud Pública (C). Profesor Investigador, Centro de Proyectos para el Desarrollo, Cendex, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).

María Margarita Ronderos-Torres

Médico cirujano; Maestrías en Salud Pública y en Epidemiología. Jefa del Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Social, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).

Rolando Enrique Peñaloza-Quintero

Odontólogo; Especialista en Política Social y en Administración en Salud con énfasis en Seguridad Social; Magíster y docente en Estudios Políticos. Profesor Investigador, Centro de Proyectos para el Desarrollo, Cendex, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Hernández JM, Ariza-Ruiz K, Amaya-Lara JL, Matallana-Gómez MA, Ronderos-Torres MM, Peñaloza-Quintero RE. Comparison of the implementation of the Extreme Maternal Morbidity Surveillance Model in 12 Health Institutions in Colombia, 2013. Mixed study: qualitative and quantitative. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];66(4):229-41. Available from:


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