Septate uterus, cervical duplication and vaginal septum: a report of an uncommon malformation.


  • Mariangela Badalotti
  • Adriana Arent
  • Vicente Monteggia
  • Julia Machado
  • Rafaella Petracco
  • Alvaro Petracco



uterus, cervix uteri, vaginal, Müllerian ducts


Objective: to describe a case of an unusual müllerian anomaly.

Design: case report.

Case report: a 34 years old white nulligravida presented with complains of suspected uterine septum observed during a routine ultrasonographic examination. Gynecological examination revealed a longitudinal vaginal septum which arrived in hymeneal region and two uterine cervixes. Three dimensional pelvic ultrasonography showed cervix duplication, uterine septum from isthmus to endometrial cavity and absence of uterine body division, compatible with complete uterine septum and true dual cervices.

Conclusion: this case represents a rare malformation that is not included in usual classification of müllerian malformations and is not explained by the traditional embryologic vision that supports the unidirectional müllerian fusion. The three-dimensional ultrasonography, a non-invasive and lower cost exam, is a diagnostic option that must be considered in diagnosis arsenal of müllerian malformations.

Author Biographies

Mariangela Badalotti

Médica Ginecologista. Professora Mestre da Faculdade de Medicina PUCRS. Chefe do Serviço de Ginecologia do HSL/PUCRS. Diretora do Fertilitat - Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva.

Adriana Arent

 Médica Ginecologista. Preceptora Mestre do Serviço de Ginecologia do HSL/PUCRS. Membro do Fertilitat – Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva.

Vicente Monteggia

Médico Ginecologista especialista em ultra-sonografia.

Julia Machado

Médica Residente do Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do HSL/ PUCRS.

Rafaella Petracco

Acadêmica da Faculdade de Medicina da ULBRA.

Alvaro Petracco

Médico Ginecologista. Professor da Faculdade de Medicina PUCRS. Diretor do Fertilitat - Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva.


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How to Cite

Badalotti M, Arent A, Monteggia V, Machado J, Petracco R, Petracco A. Septate uterus, cervical duplication and vaginal septum: a report of an uncommon malformation. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2005 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 May 17];56(3):244-8. Available from:


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