Prenatal diagnosis of non-immune fetal hydrops: a series of nine cases and a literature review


  • Xiomara González-De Chirivella
  • Daicy Silva-García
  • Marianela Rivas-Gómez
  • Carolina Medina-Gómez



Fetal hydrops, prenatal diagnosis, fetal ultrasonography


Objective: A series of cases of non-immune fetal hydrops (NIFH) is presented, aimed at reviewing the literature concerning its etiology and prognosis.

Materials and methods: A series of cases diagnosed by ultrasonography at the Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara Hospital Perinatology Service in Venezuela, 20052009, is presented; this is a public reference hospital providing regional perinatal attention for the poorest strata of the population. A literature review was made using the Medline database via PubMed and the SciELO Latin-American database from 1995 to 2011, and in specialized books on the topic. Fetal hydrops was the key word used in the search.

Results: 2,195 clinical histories were reviewed, finding 9 cases of NIFH (0.41% prevalence). There were two cases of monosomy, one infectionassociated case, two cases of cardiac malformation, a case of multiple malformations and etiology was not specified in three cases. Death occurred in all cases, whether in the uterus or during the neonatal period. 1,584 publications were found, including 14 references, 6 reviews, 6 case presentations and 2 original articles.

Conclusion: NIFH is associated with differing fetal pathologies and involves high mortality.

Author Biographies

Xiomara González-De Chirivella

Jefe del Servicio de Perinatología y del Posgrado en Medicina Materno Fetal, Universidad de Carabobo, Hospital Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

Daicy Silva-García

Especialista. Docente de Posgrado, Universidad de Carabobo, Hospital Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

Marianela Rivas-Gómez

Especialista. Profesora Agregada. Docente de Posgrado, Universidad de Carabobo, Hospital Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

Carolina Medina-Gómez

Profesora instructora, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Hospital Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara, Universidad de Carabobo, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

González-De Chirivella X, Silva-García D, Rivas-Gómez M, Medina-Gómez C. Prenatal diagnosis of non-immune fetal hydrops: a series of nine cases and a literature review. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 May 11];63(2):148-54. Available from:


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