Using guides for clinical practice during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum and for the newborn in public hospitals in Manizales, Colombia, 2005


  • Fernando Arango
  • Joaquín Guillermo Gómez
  • John Jairo Zuleta



clinical practices, pregnancy, labor, infant, newborn


The frequency of use of some forms of care which have been scientifically tested as being beneficial, likely to be harmful or ineffective during pregnancy, labor, puerperium and neonatal periods were evaluated in three of Manizales’ public health centres. Some beneficial practices have not yet been implemented or are not being used systematically, such as giving women their own case notes to carry during pregnancy, congenital syphilis screening during pregnancy, using a partograph, inducing labor for improving the outcome of delivery beyond term, continuous support for women during childbirth, active management during the third stage of labor, exclusive breastfeeding and delayed cord clamping. Other ineffective or harmful practices are still being used, such as giving enemas during labor, using a supine maternal position during labor and restricting early contact with mothers having healthy newborn infants. A restrictive episiotomy policy should be implemented in nulliparous and primiparous births.

Author Biographies

Fernando Arango

Pediatra Neonatólogo, Profesor Asistente Universidad de Caldas

Joaquín Guillermo Gómez

Gineco-Obstetra, Magister en Epidemiología Clínica, Profesor Asistente Universidad de Antioquia.

John Jairo Zuleta

 Gineco-Obstetra, Magister en Epidemiología Clínica, Profesor Asociado Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Arango F, Gómez JG, Zuleta JJ. Using guides for clinical practice during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum and for the newborn in public hospitals in Manizales, Colombia, 2005. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];56(4):271-80. Available from:


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