Prenatal control and its impact on reducing maternal deaths


  • Sonia Pazmiño de Osorio
  • Ney Guzmán-Gómez



safe motherhood, safe maternity, quality assessment, prenatal care, maternal death, evaluative research


Objective: analysing the statistical data regarding maternal deaths in Cali (Colombia) during two consecutive decades (1985-2004) and correlating outcomes with environmental and social indicators.

Methodology: the Canadian Laframboise conceptual model was used for explaining how health service organisation and other aspects of medical care play a part in decreasing maternal mortality rates.

Results: maternal deaths in Cali have been decreasing since 1994. No significant quantitative variations in environmental and/or social indicators for Cali were detected from 1994-2004. High prenatal control (97%) and institutional delivery coverage (98%) remained stable, together with an efficient referral and counter-referral system. Improving prenatal attention quality through periodic evaluation and adjustment and obstetrician/gynaecologists’ ongoing participation in first-level attention were the highlights of public attention service network intervention.

Discussion: prenatal risk factors, broad institutional coverage for a quality motherhood care programme and an efficient referral system have all contributed towards reducing maternal deaths by nearly 80 (taking Guzmán’s 1986 calculation as reference point).

Author Biographies

Sonia Pazmiño de Osorio

Ginecobstetra, Especialista en Salud Pública, Administrador de Calidad. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Ney Guzmán-Gómez

M.D., Ph.D. Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Pazmiño de Osorio S, Guzmán-Gómez N. Prenatal control and its impact on reducing maternal deaths. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];60(1):12-8. Available from:


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