Total laparoscopic hysterectomy in 202 patients


  • Ramiro Argüello Argüello
  • Edwin Alberto Hoyos Usta
  • Rodrigo Argüello Argüello
  • Pedro Wilfredo Perdomo Tejada



laparoscopic hysterectomy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy


Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (type IV - E) was performed in 202 patients from December 7/1999 to April 30/2003. The average age was 46 years, the average surgical time was 100 minutes, and the mean uterine weight was 170 grs. The three leading clinical diagnosis were uterine leiomyomas (51%), high level cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (21%), and chronic pelvic pain (9%). The main pathological diagnosis was uterine leiomyomas with or without uterine adenomyosis in 79,2% of the cases (160 patients). There were complications in 16 patients (7,9%):

5 patients (2,5%) with infection, 4 patients (2%) with hemorrhagic complication, 3 with bladder trauma (1,5%) and 4 with other complications (2%). We did not have any ureteral, vascular or intestinal complications. We recommend total laparoscopic hysterectomy as the first surgical choice in surgical units with adequate experience in laparoscopic surgery.

Author Biographies

Ramiro Argüello Argüello

Ginecólogo de la Universidad del Rosario. Certificación de Experto en Endoscopia Ginecológica. Director Científico de Unegin y Ginelap Ltda. Bogotá, Colombia.

Edwin Alberto Hoyos Usta

Ginecólogo Oncólogo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Coordinador de Ginecología Liga Contra el Cáncer, Bogotá.

Rodrigo Argüello Argüello

Ginecólogo Universidad El Bosque. Certificación de Nivel Avanzado en Endoscopia Ginecológica.

Pedro Wilfredo Perdomo Tejada

Ginecólogo Universidad El Bosque. Certificación de Nivel Avanzado en Endoscopia Ginecológica.


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How to Cite

Argüello Argüello R, Hoyos Usta EA, Argüello Argüello R, Perdomo Tejada PW. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy in 202 patients. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2003 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 May 19];54(4):258-64. Available from:


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