Postpartum depression in adolescent women from Bucaramanga, Colombia


  • José Fidel Latorre-Latorre
  • Leddy Marina Contreras-Pezzotti
  • Susana García-Rueda
  • Juan Arteaga-Medina



depression, postpartum, incidence, age


Background: depression, which occurs very frequently in women, is a worldwide problem and the likelihood of suffering from it increases during puerperium. Postpartum depression rates are highly variable; however, some reports from Latin-American communities have shown more than a 20% incidence rate. Increased incidence during adolescence has been reported. There is no readily available data concerning adolescent mothers in Colombia.

Objective: establishing the incidence of postpartum depression in adolescent women and comparing it with incidence reported in older women.

Methods: a cohort was assembled between May 2003 and April 2004 involving puerperal women from 11 health centres located in Bucaramanga’s metropolitan area. Women were followed-up for six week. Information was obtained for socio-demographic, obstetric and psychiatric antecedents as well as characteristics regarding their newborn, delivery data and breast feeding pattern. Postpartum depression was established by a psychiatrist according to DSM IV criteria.

Incidence rates were calculated by age group, incidence rate ratio was established and risk adjusted by Cox regression.

Results: postpartum depression incidence rate in adolescent women was 0.6 cases/1,000 people – day (0.07–2.2 CI95%), 1 case/1,000 people – day in 21 to 34 year-old-women (0.3–2.0 CI95%) and 1.9 cases/1,000 people – day (0.3–5.4 CI95%) in women aged 34 and older. When adjustment was made, hazard ratio was 3.0 (0.3–29.9 CI95%) in 21 to 34 year-old women and 7.4 (0.6–95.6 CI95%) in women aged 34 and older compared to adolescent women.

Conclusions: Postpartum depression is a frequent health problem in Bucaramanga’s metropolitan area. Adolescent mothers are at no more risk than other women.

Author Biographies

José Fidel Latorre-Latorre

Grupo de investigación PAIDOS (Centro de estudios Epidemiológicos –CIE) Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS – Bucaramanga, Colombia. Línea de Epidemiología UNAB, Bucaramanga, Colombia. COMUNICACIÓN: Dr. J. Fidel Latorre L. Correo electrónico: Departamento de Pediatría Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS – Bucaramanga, Colombia. Hospital Universitario de Santander, HUS, piso 4.

Leddy Marina Contreras-Pezzotti

Psiquiatra. Departamento de Psiquiatría Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS – Bucaramanga, Colombia. INML y CF Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Susana García-Rueda

Ginecoobstetra. Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Juan Arteaga-Medina

Psiquiatra. INML y CF Bucaramanga, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Latorre-Latorre JF, Contreras-Pezzotti LM, García-Rueda S, Arteaga-Medina J. Postpartum depression in adolescent women from Bucaramanga, Colombia. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2006 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];57(3):156-62. Available from:


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