Is aglossia adactylia syndrome and prenatal exposure to misoprostol a causal or casual relationship? A case report


  • Julián Ramírez-Cheyne
  • Harry Pachajoa
  • Carolina Isaza
  • Wilmar Saldarriaga



congenital defect, misoprostol, pregnancy


Introduction and objective: thea glossiaa dactylia syndrome is an infrequently occurring congenital polymalformative syndrome, having nuclear aetiology and inheritance pattern. A bibliographical search was carried out, orientated towards the association between the prenatal exposure to misoprostol and congenital malformations. A case of this syndrome is presented which was associated with prenatal exposure to misoprostol during the 10th week of gestation; such association has not been established in the literature reviewed.

Presentation of the case: a newborn having phenotypical aglossia adactylia syndrome characteristics, the son of a 17-year-old mother having antecedents of having used a 400 microgram oral dose and a 200 microgram vaginal dose of misoprostol at 10 weeks' gestation with the aim of interrupting her pregnancy.

Discussion: misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue; it has been associated with increased risk of Moebius sequence occurring, arthrogryposis, aglossia adactylia syndrome and terminal and cross-sectional extremity defects in mothers who have used this drug during their first gestation trimester.

Author Biographies

Julián Ramírez-Cheyne

Médico interno, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Harry Pachajoa

Médico, Aspirante a Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas, Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Médicas, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. 

Carolina Isaza

Profesora titular, Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Médicas, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Wilmar Saldarriaga

Profesor asistente, Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Médicas, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad del Valle, Ginecólogo y obstetra, M.Sc. en Embriología y Genética. Fundación Valle del Lili. Hospital Universitario del Valle. Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Cheyne J, Pachajoa H, Isaza C, Saldarriaga W. Is aglossia adactylia syndrome and prenatal exposure to misoprostol a causal or casual relationship? A case report. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 May 21];59(3):248-52. Available from:


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