Prevalence of potentially pathogenic microbiological agents in vaginal exudates of asymptomatic pregnant women, Barranquilla, Colombia. 2014- 2015




Vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, BV


Objective: To determine the prevalence of potentially pathogenic microbiological agents  in vaginal exudates in a sample of  asymptomatic pregnant women in the department of Atlántico, Colombia.

Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Asymptomatic pregnant women who attended a private primary healthcare institution in Barranquilla, Colombia between 2014 and 2015 were included. Pregnant women having received antimicrobial treatment within the last 30 days, with vaginal bleeding, mental disability or immunosuppression, were excluded. Consecutive,  sampling was performed. The prevalence of colonization time by some of the microbiological agents as well as specific prevalence were estimated: number of women with infection by agent type/number of women at risk assessed.

Results: Overall prevalence was 24.8% (56/226). Of this, 55.4% (31/56) was due to agents that cause vaginitis, and  44.6% (25/56) to vaginosis. The specific prevalence by type of  pathogen was: colonization due to Candida spp. 13.3% (30/226) and colonization due to T. vaginalis  0.4% (1/226). Bacterial vaginosis (BV) was found in 8.0% (18/226).

Conclusion: There is significant colonization of the lower genital tract by potentially pathogenic germs in pregnant women between 35 and 37 weeks of gestation. Further studies are needed in order to determine the impact of population screening on the avoidance of poor maternal perinatal outcomes and costs.

Author Biographies

Lucila del Carmen Gómez-Rodríguez

Bacterióloga, magíster en Microbiología. Grupo Caribe de Investigación en Enfermedades de Tipo Infeccioso y Resistencia Microbiana, Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla (Colombia).

Mirna Luz Campo-Urbina

Bacterióloga, magíster en Microbiología Clínica. Grupo Caribe de Investigación en Enfermedades de Tipo Infeccioso y Resistencia Microbiana, Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla (Colombia).

Norella Ortega-Ariza

Médico ginecoobstetra. Grupo Umedquir. Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla (Colombia).

Alfonso Bettín-Martinez

Biólogo, magíster en Microbiología, doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas. Grupo Caribe de Investigación en Enfermedades de Tipo Infeccioso y Resistencia Microbiana, Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla (Colombia).

Alexander Parody-Muñoz

Ingeniero industrial, magíster en Estadística Aplicada. Grupo Caribe de Investigación en Enfermedades de Tipo Infeccioso y Resistencia Microbiana, Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Gómez-Rodríguez L del C, Campo-Urbina ML, Ortega-Ariza N, Bettín-Martinez A, Parody-Muñoz A. Prevalence of potentially pathogenic microbiological agents in vaginal exudates of asymptomatic pregnant women, Barranquilla, Colombia. 2014- 2015. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];70(1):49-56. Available from:


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