Vaginal hysterectomy without prolapse: a 2008-2010 cohort study in Medellín (Colombia)


  • José Luis Correa-Ochoa
  • Jorge Alberto Tirado-Mejía
  • Juan Fernando Mejía-Zúñiga
  • Marcela Tirado-Hernández
  • Edwin Alcides Gómez-Ibarra
  • Adriana Arango-Martínez



vaginal hysterectomy, uterine prolapse, intra-operation complications, post-operation complications


Objective: describing the post-surgical results of vaginal hysterectomy (VH) without uterine prolapse.

Materials and methods: this was a cohort study of patients who had undergone vaginal hysterectomy withoutprolapse(VHWP) forbenignuterinepathology using a modified Heaney technique and uterine morcellationtechniquesintheClínicaMedellínbetween September 2008 and February 2010. Strict sequential sampling was done. Patient sample size was estimated at 84. Socio-demographic characteristics, uttering characteristics,pre-operationdiagnosis,timeinsurgery, comorbidities and complications were measured.

Results: 84 patients were operated on; complications occurred in 8.33% of them (n: 7/84), 3.6% were intra-operation (2 vesical lesions and 1 rectal lesion) and 4.76% were post-operation (1 pelvic abscess with secondary dehiscence of the wound, 1 sepsis, 2 granulomas of the vaginal cuff). There were 9 cases of urinary tract infection (UTI) (10.71%).

Conclusion: VHWP emerges as an alternative for surgical treatment of benign uterine diseases when performed by expert hands and with the appropriate surgical instrumentals.

Author Biographies

José Luis Correa-Ochoa

Ginecólogo Clínica Medellín. Medellín (Colombia).

Jorge Alberto Tirado-Mejía

Ginecólogo Clínica Medellín. Medellín (Colombia).

Juan Fernando Mejía-Zúñiga

Residente de Ginecología y Obstetricia Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia).

Marcela Tirado-Hernández

Residente de Ginecología y Obstetricia Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia).

Edwin Alcides Gómez-Ibarra

Residente de Ginecología y Obstetricia Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia).

Adriana Arango-Martínez

Residente de Ginecología y Obstetricia Universidad CES. Medellín (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Correa-Ochoa JL, Tirado-Mejía JA, Mejía-Zúñiga JF, Tirado-Hernández M, Gómez-Ibarra EA, Arango-Martínez A. Vaginal hysterectomy without prolapse: a 2008-2010 cohort study in Medellín (Colombia). Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];62(1):45-50. Available from:


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