Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus based on glucose tolerance test on weeks 24 to 28. Prospective cohort in Armenia, Colombia, 2015-2016




Glycosilated haemoglobin A, gestational diabetes mellitus


Objective: To determine the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus that  appears during the second or the third trimester of pregnancy using a glucose tolerance test, and to explore the relationship with pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women in Armenia.

Materials and methods: Prospective cohort study in pregnant women coming to a Level I clinic in Armenia for prenatal care before 14 weeks of gestation who signed the informed consent. Pregnant women with hypertension or existing diabetes before pregnancy or with conditions that could alter HbA1c were excluded. Consecutive sampling: Blood sugar and HbA1c were measured on admission and the glucose tolerance test with 75 g was measured at 24-28 weeks; perinatal and maternal outcomes were measured at the time of delivery. A descriptive analysis is performed and the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus  is presented.

Results: Of a total of 372 candidates to enter the study, there were two cases (0.5%) of pre-gestational diabetes mellitus. Of the 370 pregnant women who met the selection criteria, 43 (11.6%) had a miscarriage, and 36 (9.7%) were lost to follow-up before 24 weeks; of the remaining 291 women, 35 (12%) did not undergo the glucose tolerance test. The glucose tolerance test was performed in 256 pregnant women and it was abnormal in 12 cases, for a prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus of 4.7% (12/256).

Conclusions: The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus was 4.7% in the study population, although frequency may have been underestimated due to losses before 24 weeks. No adverse perinatal outcomes were found in this group of pregnant women.

Author Biographies

Bayron Manuel Ruiz-Hoyos

Médico ginecoobstetra; magíster en Educación. Profesor Asociado, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia (Colombia).

Ángela Liliana Londoño-Franco

Médica epidemióloga; doctora en Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Profesor Asociado, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia (Colombia).


Rosa Amparo Ramírez-Aristizábal

Enfermera. Coordinadora de Centro de Atención Ambulatoria de Redsalud Armenia, Armenia (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Hoyos BM, Londoño-Franco Ángela L, Ramírez-Aristizábal RA. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus based on glucose tolerance test on weeks 24 to 28. Prospective cohort in Armenia, Colombia, 2015-2016. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];69(2):108-16. Available from:


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