Identification of the causes of foetal demise in a maternal care institution in Cartagena, Colombia, 2012-2014


  • Katherine Redondo-De Oro
  • Jorge Gómez-Villa
  • Lía Barrios-García
  • Luis Alvis-Estrada



Foetal demise, autopsy, aetiology, stillborn


Objective: To determine the causes of foetal demise documented in a public referral institution in Cartagena, Colombia between 2012-2014.

Materials and methods:Case series including foetal demises taken to autopsy at the Rafael Calvo Maternal Clinic in Cartagena, a level II public institution that sees patients affiliated to the State subsidised healthcare regime. A consecutive sampling was used. Gestational age, sex and the clinical cause of death were analysed using the ReCoDe system in which 9 categories are used to classify foetal demise. Descriptive statistics are used to present the results.

Results: Overall, 458 foetuses with an autopsy report were assessed. Possible or probable cause of death was established in 440 cases (97 %). The main conditions associated with foetal death were placental insufficiency (44.7 %), followed by amniotic fluid abnormalities (18.6 %), maternal causes (12.8 %), and foetal causes (12 %). Of all the cases, 2.8 % were classified as unexplained.

Conclusions: The ReCoDe classification system was useful for classifying the cause of death in 97 % of foetal demises taken to autopsy.

Author Biographies

Katherine Redondo-De Oro

Médica patóloga, Departamento de Patología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena. Grupo de Investigación: Histopatología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena (Colombia).

Jorge Gómez-Villa

Estudiante de pregrado, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena (Colombia).

Lía Barrios-García

Médica patóloga, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena (Colombia)

Luis Alvis-Estrada

Magíster Salud Pública, Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena (Colombia)


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How to Cite

Redondo-De Oro K, Gómez-Villa J, Barrios-García L, Alvis-Estrada L. Identification of the causes of foetal demise in a maternal care institution in Cartagena, Colombia, 2012-2014. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 May 17];67(3):187-96. Available from:


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