Nerve pathways surgical interruption for chronic pelvic pain


  • María Cristina Alba Velásquez
  • Carlos Giovani Castro Cuenca



chronic pelvic pain, LUNA, presacral neurectomy, LUVE, ovarian sympatectomy


Chronic pelvic pain is a frequent pathology in women and conform a challenge for the specialist attendant. In this revision we evaluate the indications and utility of the different techniques for surgical interruption of nerve pathways from the woman pelvis.

Author Biographies

María Cristina Alba Velásquez

Médico ginecobstetra Universidad del Rosario Profamilia - Redsalud IPS.

Carlos Giovani Castro Cuenca

Médico ginecobstetra Universidad del Rosario Unidad de Endoscopia Pélvica Clínica San Pedro Claver, ginecólogo laparoscopista, Cafesalud E.P.S.


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How to Cite

Alba Velásquez MC, Castro Cuenca CG. Nerve pathways surgical interruption for chronic pelvic pain. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2003 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jun. 29];54(1):33-40. Available from:


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