The accuracy of the HPV-DNA test for detecting high grade disease(CIN2+)in women with minor cytological abnormalities(ASC-US and LSIL)in patients affiliated to the social security system in Bogota, Colombia


  • Mario Arturo Isaza-Ruget
  • Gonzalo Perez
  • Olga Lucía Morales-Reyes
  • Rodrigo Deantonio-Suárez
  • Catherine Alvarado-Heine
  • Lina María Trujillo



DNA probe, HPV, papillomavirus infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cytology, colposcopy


Objective: evaluating the accuracy of the HPV DNA test as a complementary test for diagnosing highgrade cervical disease (high-grade squamous intra epithelia lesions-HSIL) in women with minor cytological abnormalities (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance ASC-US) and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL).

Methodology: a diagnostic validity study based on a cross-sectional design was applied to 429 women who had had a cytological report of ASC-US and/or LSIL who were attending a health maintenance organisation’s cervical cancer screening programme in Bogotá, Colombia between January 2006 and October 2008. Colposcopy reports and HPV-DNA testresultswerecomparedwithpathologicalreports which were considered the gold standard.

Results: 344 (80.2%) of the 429 women had a cytological report of ASC-US and 85 (19.8%) of them one for LSIL. High-risk HPV infection prevalence was 52.9% and 75.7% in patients having an ASC-US and LSIL report, respectively. A biopsy specimen was obtained in 379 of the 429 participants and 24 high-grade cases (6.3%) were diagnosed. DNA-HPV test sensitivity was 88% and specificity was 44% for detecting high-grade disease (CIN 2+) in women having an ASC-US and LSIL cytology report . The presence of high-risk HPV virus was detected in 21 of the 24 HSIL cases (87.5%).

Conclusion: the DNA-HPV test’s higher sensitivity compared to the PAP smear (due to high NPV) means that it could be considered a useful tool for stratifying risk and improving the diagnostic approach to premalignant lesions of the uterine cervix in patients having a cytological report of ASC-US.

Author Biographies

Mario Arturo Isaza-Ruget

Médico Especialista en Patología Clínica y Anatómica. Bogotá (Colombia).

Gonzalo Perez

Médico Especialista en Ginecología y Oncología, Epidemiólogo y Profesor de la Universidad del Rosario. San Pablo (Brasil).

Olga Lucía Morales-Reyes

Bacterióloga, MSc en Infecciones y Salud en el Trópico, Investigación y Educación, Clínica Colsanitas S.A. Bogotá (Colombia). 

Rodrigo Deantonio-Suárez

Médico, Máster en Economía de la Salud, Especialista en Epidemiología, Ciudad de Panamá (Panamá).

Catherine Alvarado-Heine

Médico Especialista en Patología Clínica y Anatómica, Directora del departamento de Patología, Clínica Colsanitas S.A. Bogotá (Colombia).

Lina María Trujillo

Médico Ginecólogo y Oncólogo, Especialista adscrito a Colsanitas S.A. Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Isaza-Ruget MA, Perez G, Morales-Reyes OL, Deantonio-Suárez R, Alvarado-Heine C, Trujillo LM. The accuracy of the HPV-DNA test for detecting high grade disease(CIN2+)in women with minor cytological abnormalities(ASC-US and LSIL)in patients affiliated to the social security system in Bogota, Colombia. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];60(3):213-22. Available from:


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