Sexual harassment in the University of Manizales' student community. (Colombia), 2008. A cross-sectional study


  • José Jaime Castaño-Castrillón
  • Eliana Katherine González
  • July Andrea Guzmán
  • Jhon Stiven Montoya
  • Juan Manuel Murillo
  • Martha Luz Páez-Cala
  • Luisa María Parra
  • Tania Victoria Salazar
  • Yesica Velásquez



sexual harassment, student, university


Introduction: this investigation was aimed at analysing sexual harassment, its frequency and images amongst the student community at the University of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. This topic has not been researched in depth in the Colombian university environment but implies great repercussions for the victims.

Methodology: this was a cross-sectional study which was carried out on a representative sample of 203 students from a total of 3,584 students from the University of Manizales (Colombia). The variables studied here considered questions such as experiencing sexual harassment before and after entering university, by whom the harassment was made, opinions about what is considered to be sexual harassment, who did it and how it should be punished. Sexual orientation was also questioned, as were the faculty and semester to which a particular student belonged.

Results: a 6.8% frequency of sexual harassment was found during stay at university; this was found only during the first 4 semesters, mostly being committed by teachers (50%) and classmates (21.4%, male and female in the same ratio). Only 7.1% denounced such harassment and only 66.7% of this number obtained any help. 47.1% had been the victims of blackmail and intimidation to keep them from denouncing such abuse. 23.5% consider that they were partly to blame for the harassment.

Conclusions: sexual harassment is an assault on fundamental rights and is present in the University of Manizales. Even though its frequency is not so high when compared to other studies, it constitutes a problem in which university authorities should become involved.

Author Biographies

José Jaime Castaño-Castrillón

Profesor Titular, Director del Centro de Investigaciones, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Eliana Katherine González

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

July Andrea Guzmán

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Jhon Stiven Montoya

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Juan Manuel Murillo

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Martha Luz Páez-Cala

Profesora Asociada, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Luisa María Parra

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Tania Victoria Salazar

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).

Yesica Velásquez

Estudiante de X Semestre de Medicina, Universidad de Manizales. Manizales (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Castaño-Castrillón JJ, González EK, Guzmán JA, Montoya JS, Murillo JM, Páez-Cala ML, et al. Sexual harassment in the University of Manizales’ student community. (Colombia), 2008. A cross-sectional study. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 1];61(1):18-27. Available from:


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