Prevalence of violence and discrimination against women at the Universidad de caldas, Colombia, Health Sciences School, 2010-2011


  • Carmen Leonor Moreno-Cubillos
  • Luz Elena Sepúlveda-Gallego
  • Luisa Fernanda Restrepo-Rendón



Violence, social discrimination, universities


Objective: To characterize and describe the prevalence of acts of violence and discrimination against three groups of women of the School of Health Sciences at Universidad de Caldas.

Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study; the study population included female teachers (115), students (823) and administrative staff (23) who were enrolled or working at the School of Health Sciences between the second half of 2010 and the first half of 2011. Out of a population of 961 women, a random sample of 196 individuals was obtained. The information was collected by means of a survey filled by the respondents themselves after signing the informed consent and receiving a glossary. The variables included demographics, acts of discrimination or violence, and the type of offender.

Results: 196 women responded the survey: 13 administrative staff, 40 teachers and 143 students of the medicine, nursing, physical education and pharmacy undergraduate programs, and the clinical and surgical post-graduate programs. Among them, 53.8% of the employees, 53.7% of the teachers and 67.7% of the students reported a history of at least one event of discrimination or violence during their university life. The most frequently cited events were: abuse of authority; obscene jibes or gestures; psychological and verbal bullying; and discrimination because of physical appearance. The students were the most affected and the most frequent offender was a male teacher.

Conclusion: The existence of acts of discrimination and gender violence is confirmed in the university population of the study.

Author Biographies

Carmen Leonor Moreno-Cubillos

Ginecoobstetra. Profesora Titular, Facultad de Ciencias para la Salud, Departamento Materno-Infantil, Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia.

Luz Elena Sepúlveda-Gallego

Epidemióloga. Profesora Titular, Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia.

Luisa Fernanda Restrepo-Rendón

Residente III Ginecoobstetricia, Universidad de Caldas. Manizales, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Cubillos CL, Sepúlveda-Gallego LE, Restrepo-Rendón LF. Prevalence of violence and discrimination against women at the Universidad de caldas, Colombia, Health Sciences School, 2010-2011. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];64(1):12-20. Available from:


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