"See and Treat" an approximation in patients with high grade cytology and colposcopy with significant changes


  • Antonio González
  • Juan Carlos Prada
  • José Enrique Sanín
  • Néstor Villota




See and treat, LEEP, CIN


INTRODUCTION: "See and treat" is a procedure in that in a single visit the patients with an abnormal PAP smear and colposcopy is treated with LEEP.

OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the therapeuthic efficiency of "see and treat" method in patients with high grade PAP smear and abnormal colposcopy with significant changes.

METHODOLOGY: In a retrospective descriptive study there was an evaluation of the clinical charts to the patients treated with "see and treat" between 1998 and 1999 in the Castilla Hospital - Medellín.

RESULTS: there were 24 patients in the "see and treat" protocol. 22 (99.7%) had some grade of dysplasia in the final pathological result: 5 with CIN II, 16 with CIN III, and one with CIN I. Two patients were considered overtreated because of no presence of dysplasia in the pathological result.

There were 5 patients with LEEP border compromised (22.7%). Only one of them required retreatment with LEEP, with a final pathological result of CIN I.

CONCLUSIONS: "See and treat" in patients with high grade PAP smear and significant changes at colposcopy is an efficient alternative with high pathological correlation and low cases of overtreatment.

Author Biographies

Antonio González

Gineco Obstetra U. H. Castilla - Profesor U.P.B.

Juan Carlos Prada

Gineco Obstetra U.P.B.

José Enrique Sanín

Gineco Obstetra U.P.B.

Néstor Villota

Gineco Obstetra U.H. Castilla.


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How to Cite

González A, Prada JC, Sanín JE, Villota N. "See and Treat" an approximation in patients with high grade cytology and colposcopy with significant changes. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2001 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];52(3):283-7. Available from: https://revista.fecolsog.org/index.php/rcog/article/view/720


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