Past, present and future of progestogens


  • Ariel Iván Ruiz Parra



progestogens, hormonal contraception, hormone replacement therapy, history


This article is an historical approximation to the discovery of progesterone and the main developments in synthetic progestins. A relationship of these investigations with the application in hormonal contraception and hormone replacement therapy is also presented. The actual classification of progestogens and the future perspectives are discussed.

Author Biography

Ariel Iván Ruiz Parra

 Especialista en Obstetricia y Ginecología UN. Especialista en Biología de la Reproducción INNSZ. MSc en Educación UPN. MSc(c) Epidemiología Clínica PUJ. Profesor Asociado, Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología y Centro de Epidemiología Clínica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.



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How to Cite

Ruiz Parra AI. Past, present and future of progestogens. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2004 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];55(2):167-73. Available from:


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