Reflections on the performance of the Colombian Minister of Health regarding the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, sexual and reproductive health and public health




COVID-19, vaccination coverage, reproductive health, public health administration


Objectives: To offer a critical assessment of the incumbent Health Minister’s performance at the end of the Ivan Duque administration regarding the management of the pandemic, sexual and reproductive health, and public health in Colombia.

Material and methods: Based on the description of challenges faced during this time period, we present evidence regarding performance results which, together with the author’s opinion, offer an assessment of the work done.

Conclusions: The Health Minister’s performance in managing the pandemic fell short, in particular as concerns sexual and reproductive health, as well as public health.

Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Tolosa-Ardila, St. Luke’s University Health Network, Bethlehem, Pensilvania (Estados Unidos).

Master in Science in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE). St. Luke’s University Health Network, Bethlehem, Pensilvania; Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Oregon (Estados Unidos); Fundared-Materna, Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Tolosa-Ardila JE. Reflections on the performance of the Colombian Minister of Health regarding the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, sexual and reproductive health and public health. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 2];73(4):396-407. Available from:


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