Ovarian carcinoid tumor associated to severe constipation


  • Mario Arturo González Mariño
  • Ángela Jaramillo
  • Rocío López




carcinoid, strumal carcinoid, constipation, peptide YY


We present a patient with severe constipation, unresponsive to medical treatment, who was operated because of a pelvic mass which was reported as an ovarian strumal carcinoid on pathology examination. At the postoperative period, stools were more frequent, possibly because of resection of the peptide YY producing tumor. The clinical features and pathologic findings are presented here. A review of the literature is made.

Author Biographies

Mario Arturo González Mariño

Ginecólogo-oncólogo, Hospital Central de la Policía.

Ángela Jaramillo

Patóloga, Hospital Central de la Policía.

Rocío López

Patóloga, Hospital Central de la Policía. Coordinadora Servicio de Patología HOCEN.


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How to Cite

González Mariño MA, Jaramillo Ángela, López R. Ovarian carcinoid tumor associated to severe constipation. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2002 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];53(3):291-4. Available from: https://revista.fecolsog.org/index.php/rcog/article/view/642


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