Microsurgical reversal of fallopian tube ligation: fertility outcome in 115 cases


  • Luis Ernesto Pérez
  • Diego Saavedra
  • Juan Alberto Pinzón
  • Martha Laigneleth




tubal sterilization, sterilization reversal, pregnancy rate


Objective: to investigate results regarding fertility in patients undergoing microsurgical fallopian tube ligation reversal and the reasons why such operation had been requested. Finding out whether pregnancy rate was related to a patient’s age and final useful fallopian tube length.

Design: follow up descriptive cohort.

Intervention and patients: a single surgeon used microsurgical techniques on 127 patients to reverse fallopian tube ligation between January 1984 and January 2001. Inclusion criteria: being aged less than 38, > 15 ng/ml mesoluteal progesterone level, useful tube length longer than 5 cm during diagnostic laparoscopy and normal spermogram and post-coital test. Exclusion criteria: patients sterilized by fimbriectomy. Patients were followed for at least two years. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis.

Results: patients’ main requests for reversal of ligation concerned a new marriage (50.4%), desire for more children (35.7%), the death of a child (10.4%), psychological reasons (1.7%) and religious motives (1.7%). Follow-up was continued for more than two years in 115 patients (92%). Overall pregnancy rate obtained was 72.17% (83/115) and 10,4% became pregnant twice (12/115). Maximum cumulative pregnancy rate occurred at 10.7 months. Delivery rate was 65.2% (75/115) with 77 births. Abortion rate was 12.2% (14/115) and ectopic pregnancy rate was 5.2% (6/115).

Conclusions: microsurgical reversal of Fallopian tube is an option for restoring normal fertility in patients lower than 38 years old and final tube lengths being greater than 5 cm and no other infertile factors intervening.

Author Biographies

Luis Ernesto Pérez

Ginecólogo-Obstetra, Profesor titular Universidad Nueva Granada, Jefe de la Unidad de Infertilidad y Endocrinología Reproductiva, Hospital Militar, Bogotá.

Diego Saavedra

Ginecólogo-Obstetra, Universidad Nueva Granada, Hospital Militar, Bogotá.

Juan Alberto Pinzón

 Ginecólogo-Obstetra, Ex residente de Gineco-obstetricia, Universidad Nueva Granada, Hospital Militar, Bogotá.

Martha Laigneleth

 Ginecóloga-Obstetra (pensionada), Universidad Nueva Granada, Hospital Militar, Bogotá.


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How to Cite

Pérez LE, Saavedra D, Pinzón JA, Laigneleth M. Microsurgical reversal of fallopian tube ligation: fertility outcome in 115 cases. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2005 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 May 18];56(1):28-34. Available from: https://revista.fecolsog.org/index.php/rcog/article/view/556


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