Maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 infection, Santa Teresa Hospital, Comayagua, Honduras. Case series




Epidemics, coronavirus, pneumonia, SARS


Objectives: To describe maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 infection in a hospital in Comayagua, Honduras.
Material and methods: Descriptive case series study that included symptomatic pregnant women who came or were referred between March 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 to a public referral institution, with PCR-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. Sociodemographic, obstetric considerations, infection severity, length of hospital stay, and maternal and perinatal complications were the measured variables. The frequency of COVID-19 infection and the maternal and perinatal outcomes of these gestations were estimated. A descriptive analysis was performed.
Results: A total of 2258 pregnant women were seen during the study period. Of them, 23 who met the selection criteria were included, for a frequency of COVID-19 infection of 1.01 %. The study population characteristically consisted of young women living in common-law marriage. Thirteen patients were managed as outpatients because of a mild clinical condition, and 10 were hospitalized. The pregnant women managed as outpatients were delivered by cesarean section (76.9 %) due to dissatisfactory fetal status at a gestational age of 37 weeks or more, with 3 pre-term delivery cases (36 weeks) documented. Of the hospitalized patients, one had a miscarriage and nine were delivered due to an obstetric indication. There was one case of premature birth, and one maternal (4 %) and one neonatal death were documented.
Conclusions: During the study period, 1% of the pregnant women had COVID-19 infection at the Santa Teresa Hospital in Comayagua. Further studies analyzing the maternal and perinatal impact of COVID-19 infection in the Central American region are required. 

Author Biographies

Alma Iris Zúniga-Briceño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa (Honduras).

Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía; especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia; sub-especialista en Medicina Materno Fetal; máster en Administración en Salud; profesora Titular II Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa (Honduras).

Luz Enid Erazo-Fino, Hospital Santa Teresa, Comayagua (Honduras).

Médico de Guardia Unidad de Labor y Partos, Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía, especialista en Prevención Prenatal de Enfermedades y Deficiencias, Hospital Santa Teresa, Comayagua (Honduras).

Claudia Carolina Burgos-Zúniga, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa (Honduras).

Doctora en Medicina y Cirugía, diplomado en Geriatría, Tegucigalpa (Honduras).


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How to Cite

Zúniga-Briceño AI, Erazo-Fino LE, Burgos-Zúniga CC. Maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 infection, Santa Teresa Hospital, Comayagua, Honduras. Case series. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 25];73(2):175-83. Available from:


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