Prevalence of sleep disorders in menopausal women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia




Objective: To make an approximation to the prevalence of sleep disorders in Colombian menopausal women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study as part of the Quality of Life in Menopause and Colombian Ethnic Groups research project [CAVIMEC+COVID STUDY]. The population consisted of women born and residing in Colombia, 40 to 59 years of age, who signed an informed consent and agreed to participate by completing an online form, freely and anonymously, in the first five days of June 2020. Sleep disorders were identified using the third item on the Menopause Rating Scale. Sociodemographic characteristics, presence and severity of sleep disorders and menopause status were explored. Descriptive statistics are provided. Results: Overall, 984 women aged 47.0 [IQR: 42.0-53.5] years were included: 84.5% mestizo, 13.7% Afro-Colombian, 1.7% indigenous; 39.3% were postmenopausal; 70% lived in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Sleep disorders were reported by 637 women (64.7%), and 112 (11.3%) had severe sleep disorders. Among postmenopausal women, 65.1% reported sleep disorders with 10.1% reporting severe disorders, while 64.5% of premenopausal reported sleep disorders, and 12.2% severe disorders. Conclusions: Sleep disorders could be a frequent problem among premenopausal as well as postmenopausal women in the pandemic time. This issue should be explored during gynecological visits in order to offer solutions. Population studies that confirm these observations are required.

Author Biographies

Álvaro Monterrosa-Castro, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena (Colombia)

Médico. Especialista en Ginecología y obstetricia. Líder del Grupo de Investigación Salud de la Mujer. Profesor titular. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena (Colombia).

Angélica Monterrosa-Blanco, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS), Bogotá (Colombia)

Médico. Integrante Grupo de Investigación Salud de la Mujer. Candidata a Magister en Epidemiologia Clínica. Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS), Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Monterrosa-Castro Álvaro, Monterrosa-Blanco A. Prevalence of sleep disorders in menopausal women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 May 18];72(2):162-70. Available from:


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