Orthotopic uterus transplantation. Sheep model experiment, Cali (Colombia)





Objective: It has been recommended that professionals who are planning to perform uterine transplantation should first carry out animal experiments. This paper describes the procedure for uterine transplant in sheep, as well as short and medium- term results. Materials and methods: Experimental surgery study in sheep subjected to uterine explantation and transplant. Four 40-50 kg sheep received uteri transplantation (orthotopic) from four live donors. End-to-side vascular anastomosis was used, the vagina was sutured on one plane and the uterus was fixed to the pelvic wall. Complications and 180-day evolution are described. Results: Transplant surgery was accomplished in the 4 sheep. Surgical time in the first procedure was 240 minutes, while the last procedure lasted 185 minutes. Warm ischemia time was reduced from 42 to 22 minutes. One sheep died on the seventh postoperative day due to an intraoperative complication unrelated to the vascular anastomosis. A second sheep developed local vaginal infection treated with metronidazole and evolved satisfactorily. No transplant rejection had occurred in the remaining 3 sheep after 6 months. Conclusions: The ovine model allowed surgical training in experimental uterine transplant surgery. For the authors, it offered an opportunity to gain knowledge and make progress towards future uterus transplantation in women with absolute uterine factor infertility in Colombia.

Author Biographies

Felipe Castro-Villegas, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Médico cirujano, especialista en trasplante hepático, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Gustavo Adolfo Canaval-Erazo, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Médico ginecobstetra, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Juan Manuel Rico-Juri, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Médico cirujano, especialista en trasplante hepático, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

José Óscar Gutiérrez-Montes, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia).

Profesor de Farmacología y Medicina Regenerativa, Escuela de Medicina, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia).

Anabel Vanin-Aguas, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Médico cirujano, especialista en trasplante hepático, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Hoover Orlando Canaval-Erazo, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia).

Médico ginecobstetra, Centro Médico Imbanaco, Cali (Colombia). Profesor del Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Escuela de Medicina, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Castro-Villegas F, Canaval-Erazo GA, Rico-Juri JM, Gutiérrez-Montes J Óscar, Vanin-Aguas A, Canaval-Erazo HO. Orthotopic uterus transplantation. Sheep model experiment, Cali (Colombia). Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 7 [cited 2024 May 18];71(3):265-74. Available from: https://revista.fecolsog.org/index.php/rcog/article/view/3504


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