Social considerations affecting acceptance of HPV vaccination in Colombia. A systematic review




Objective: To identify social factors influencing the acceptance of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination in the Colombian population before and after the unexpected and poorly defined event of unknown etiology which occurred in 2014. Materials and methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted in the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Medline via PubMed, Embase, Online Health Library (Biblioteca Virtual en Salud) and Ovid, and also in Google Scholar, academic repositories and in Colombian health institutions, using the terms “recombinant tetravalent vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus types 6, 11, 16, 18”, “Colombia”, “Papilloma” in order to primarily identify systematic reviews, quantitative and qualitative studies, narrative reviews, focusing on social aspects such as education, access, relationship with healthcare staff and role of the media which may have acted as barriers or facilitators for the acceptance of HPV vaccination in Colombia between 2006-2018. A narrative synthesis of the data was made. Results: Twenty-four documents were included. The importance attached by parents, adolescents, providers and the media to having greater knowledge about HPV and its association with cervical cancer was identified. The relevance of good communication among healthcare professions and the community to enable adequate sharing of information regarding the risks and benefits of the vaccines was recognized. The inclusion of the vaccine in health insurance plans made access easier. The media must be involved as facilitators in vaccination programs. Conclusion: Education regarding HPV, patientcentered healthcare and adequate media coverage influence the acceptance of HPV vaccination in the Colombian population. Close follow-up of any vaccine-related adverse events is required.

Author Biographies

Francisco Palencia-Sánchez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

MSc Epidemiología Clínica, PhD (c) Salud Pública. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Social, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia).

Sandra Johanna Echeverry-Coral

Bacterióloga, MSc en Epidemiología. Consultora Independiente, Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Palencia-Sánchez F, Echeverry-Coral SJ. Social considerations affecting acceptance of HPV vaccination in Colombia. A systematic review. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2020 May 20 [cited 2024 May 18];71(2):178-94. Available from:


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