The effect of age on the male factor and its outcome regarding couples' fertility


  • Diana Fontanilla
  • Jenny Ramírez
  • Armando Dávila
  • Juan Rodríguez
  • Carolina Arenas
  • Elkin Lucena



spermogram, astenozoospermy, infertility, teratozoospermy


Objective: analysing abnormalities in seminal parameters and their correlation with age through spermograms of patients admitted to the GESTAMOS Reproductive Medicine Unit for infertility.

Methods and materials: this was a descriptive cross-sectional study of 226 spermogramscollected between January 2005 and January 2008. They were examined by standard analysis according to WHO guidelines and CECOLFES Fertility and Sterility Centre's Andrology Laboratory protocol. BioStat® 2007 statistical analysis software was used for analysing Pearson correlation Indices.

Results: a total of 226 spermograms presented 73,5% significant changes in all their parameters. Decreased rapidly progressive mobility (astenozoospermy) was observed in 65% and such downward trend was related to age (0,04% per year). Abnormalities in sperm morphology (teratozoospermy) were presented in 52,2%, having an upward trend (0,02% per year). Decreased sperm concentration was observed in 28% (0,01 x 106/mL per year decrease).

Conclusions: there was a significant decrease in the study population's sperm quality which was greater than that reported in the literature. This was more relevant in the sense that as patients' age increased then the rapidly progressive mobility and morphology of their sperm became most affected, this being closely related to patients' fertilising capacity.

Author Biographies

Diana Fontanilla

Biología, Universidad del Tolima. Dirección correspondencia: GESTAMOS, Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva. Centro Médico Javeriano. Calle 43 No 4-26. Consultorio 309-311. Ibagué (Colombia). 

Jenny Ramírez

Biología, Universidad del Tolima. Dirección correspondencia: GESTAMOS, Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva. Centro Médico Javeriano. Calle 43 No 4-26. Consultorio 309-311. Ibagué (Colombia). 

Armando Dávila

GESTAMOS, Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva. Ibagué (Colombia).

Juan Rodríguez

GESTAMOS, Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva. Ibagué (Colombia).

Carolina Arenas

GESTAMOS, Unidad de Medicina Reproductiva. Ibagué (Colombia).

Elkin Lucena

Centro Colombiano de Fertilidad y Esterilidad, CECOLFES. Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Fontanilla D, Ramírez J, Dávila A, Rodríguez J, Arenas C, Lucena E. The effect of age on the male factor and its outcome regarding couples’ fertility. Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 May 18];60(2):159-64. Available from:


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